STATUS: Petition filed 02/01/2023
What Housing element?
Burlingame, CA
On 2/1/2023, we filed a petition for court intervention against the City of Burlingame which failed to meet California State Housing Element Law. The City was supposed to submit its housing element by 1/31/2023, but they never even submitted a draft of a revised housing plan to comply with this mandate. We petitioned the court to take action against the City. We previously sent a letter to the City on 12/16/2022, offering to forgo immediate litigation if the City admitted its faults and did not deny housing development projects until their housing element is met. Still, the City never responded to our letter. We gave them the opportunity to remedy their compliance status but they have forced our hand to pursue litigation.
YIMBYs are about to sue the daylights out of cities across the Bay Area. Here’s why SF Chronicle February 7, 2023
Burlingame hit with lawsuit over late housing element San Mateo Daily Journal, February 8, 2023
Lawsuits Follow Housing Plan Failures in the San Francisco Bay Area Planetizen, February 22, 2023