STATUS: Stipulated judgment won 01/08/2023
No game, no plan
Cupertino, CA
We, alongside the California Housing Defense Fund, petitioned for court intervention against the City of Cupertino on 2/3/2023. The City failed to meet California’s Housing Element deadline for the Bay Area. Their housing plan was due on 1/31/2023 and the City failed to complete it, nor submit a draft revision of the current housing plan. Petitioners sent a letter to the City stating that litigation would be forgone if the City acknowledged their lack of compliance and does not block builder’s remedy projects. This letter was sent on 12/16/2022 and the city attorney responded to settle but no agreement was made. We filed this petition for the courts to pursue the City of Cupertino to comply with the housing elements law that is mandated for them.
YIMBYs are about to sue the daylights out of cities across the Bay Area. Here’s why SF Chronicle February 7, 2023
Lawsuits accuse at least a dozen Bay Area cities of housing plan failures CBS, February 8, 2023
Housing Advocates Sue Santa Clara County, Cupertino, and others over Missed Housing Element Deadlines Cupertino Today, February 9, 2023